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HomeBlogs4 Ways to Clean up Your Garden for Spring

4 Ways to Clean up Your Garden for Spring

spring-800240_1920Spring is right around the corner and that means people can start gardening again. Before you start planting, it is a good idea to do some spring cleaning around your garden. Below are four easy ways to clean up your garden to get it ready for spring and summer.


The beginning of Spring is a great time to fertilize your garden again. Place some new fertilizer in your garden to help support healthy growth for Spring.

Fresh Soil

After a long winter it’s always good to add fresh soil-peat moss depending on your existing soil.


You want to prune and trim any damaged branches from trees. And be sure to trim bushes, hedges and any perennials that may have overgrown.

Rake Dead Leaves and Twigs

During the Fall and Winters, leaves and branches can gather around flower beds. You want to make sure that your garden is clean so sunlight and rain can reach all of your plants.

Spring is a great time for gardeners to start working outside again. If you would like to learn more about Plant Masters selection of plants find us online here, or call us at (440) 552-4819

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