Women owned and operated commercial interior landscape design & maintenance company located in Cleveland, Ohio. Since we opened in 2001, our business has grown to serve numerous large and small companies all around Northeast Ohio.

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Exterior Flower Design

HomeProducts and ServicesExterior Flower Design

Plant Masters can help businesses personalize their exterior aesthetics and make make areas such as entrances, patios, and other outdoor spaces more inviting, professional, and elegant. We offer year-round seasonal programs that include annuals, perennials, bulbs, trees and shrubs, fall plantings, and holiday plantscapes.



The exterior plant-design department is responsible for:

  • deadheading
  • pruning
  • fertilization
  • watering
  • disease and pest control
  • mulching (by request)

Our expert technicians maintain the high-quality appearance and condition of all of our Plant Masters exterior design accounts.